Blake Kathryn Interview Response

1. What is a creative process? What is Kathryn's like in your own words?

A creative process is the natural process of being influenced by the environment and allowing subconscious thoughts and ideas to be molded and expressed. Allowing yourself to be influenced can happen consciously or unconsciously. Kathryn's creative process may be messy and unclear to an outsider, but it is still genuine. Initially, she allows her mind to wander and her hand to write down or draw her ideas, even if they are crude and unpolished.

2. What does it seem to mean to be represented by a talent agency? What are the pros and cons?

To be represented by a talent agency means to be recognized, supported by, and associated with a greater organization. Being represented by a talent agency can be a pro for an individual artist because their works and statements can reach a broader audience. It can also build confidence in that individual artist. A con, however, is the pressure that comes with catering to a larger artist and maintaining that adequacy, even during a burnout. Kathryn discusses the pressure by the fanbase while producing her animations for the Lil Nas X music video and how it and the deadline crunch affected the end product.

3. How did she get the job doing a video for lil nas x?

She got the job by partaking in the 100 Day Project and sharing her work on Instagram. She also took time to analyze old works and improve her skills by viewing and applying tutorials online.

4. What do you think about her work? Why?

She said she wants to do concept art for sci-fi media, and her works reflect that dream. Her work looks artificial in that it is glossy and resembles objects and flourescent colors normally not found in nature. The colors are also high-key and bright, making them appear fresh and dream-like.